Online Security: Can you hack the hacker?

Osniel Crespo
4 min readJun 22, 2021

These days, with the advance and proliferation of technology, we grow concerned with the possibility that someone unauthorized might use our online accounts, or steal our identity. It just happens that it could be easy for someone to get your personal information if you are not careful. My attempt is to present to you some ways that you can protect yourself. Nobody is exempt from getting hacked, and you might get hacked at some point, but if you have certain established measures, you can be notified as soon as it happens and take immediate action for further damage prevention.

First is a given, you need to have strong passwords comprised of uppercase and lowercase characters; numbers; optionally even symbols for stronger security; and make it at least eight characters long. This way, brute force password retrieval will not be quite effective. Have a different password for every website, as hackers will try the same password in multiple places. Do not save passwords on your Internet browser. Saved passwords are relatively easy to retrieve once a hacker takes control. Since you probably have many passwords already, to remember them, you can try to create a password pattern that will be easy for you to follow. More on that later.

Most reputable online services now have what is called OTP (One Time Password) or dual authentication, which will send you…



Osniel Crespo

I am presently a network engineer and have been in the IT field since 2005. My goal is to educate people on technology topics and trends.